Mamiko Nishiyama
和食の基本は出汁、 その出汁の基本をお教えいたします。
レッスンではその日のテーマのだしの取り方とそれを使用した汁物の調理、 炊飯器がなくても炊けるおいしいごはん、そして講師の西山が皆様に作る美味しい出汁を使用したお惣菜で締めくくります。
The basis of Japanese cuisine will teach you the basics of soup stock and its soup stock.
In the lesson, we will conclude with the way to pick up the soup of the theme of the day and cook juice using it, delicious rice to cook even without a rice cooker, and a delicious dish using the delicious soup made by the instructor Nishiyama.
The bonito also uses machines installed in the studio and uses scrape plenty abundantly.
◆旬を迎えた露地ものの新鮮な白菜の柚子と昆布薫り高いお漬物◆大福隠元豆に出汁たつぷりのすり流し ガーリックトーストと共に
◆Citrus fresh cabbage citron and octopus high-grade pickled food that greeted season◆Daifuku Kidney bean soup stocks grated with garlic toast together